Friday, November 21, 2008


10:49am, November 13 (Seat 5H on US Airways to San Juan)

The latest Japan tour was an interesting one to say the least. It started out with the Pro Wres Expo events that were produced by Freebird International (FBI Japan) at Sumo Hall in Tokyo. Unfortunately, these shows were doomed from the start. The economy is getting worse and worse and pro-wrestling in Japan has been on a decline since 2004. Its not that pro-wrestling is bad or the fans are turned off, there are just way too many companies and it thins out the attendance.......

I was thrilled that I could book Ricky Landell, Ricky Reyes, Alex Anthony, and referee Mike Kehner from 3KWrestling. Landell was chosen by Mr. Ono after he saw him wrestle Kirby Mack at the Cauliflower Alley Club in June. Reyes became “Cuban Assassin #3” representing Cuba and Alex Anthony became “Alex Marley” representing Jamaica. Expo also brought Bambi Killer from Austria (who was in the best shape I ever saw him), Erik Isiken from Norway, Hartley Jackson from Australia, Paul Tracey from Ireland, Durango and Naruto from Mexico, some hump named Geronimo from wherever the piss he claimed to be from (more on this shithead later), a French guy named Henni who apparently has only been training for two months, and the worst of the worst Himalayan Tiger from Nepal.

Chono and First On Stage picked me to be the agent of the matches and to give instructions and finishes. I never thought that actually taking bumps and getting hurt would be easier then dealing with some of these people. I say some but really it was only four I had to shake my head at. And you have to keep in consideration that the French kid only has two months of training. But that is LA Dojo’s fault for bringing him over. It’s a shame because of how green the French guy was, Paul Tracey didn’t get a chance to show what he could do. Will that hurt him for future consideration for Japan tours? I hope not, but wouldn’t be surprised if it does.

The Himalayan Tiger was just awful. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t get to wrestle much but even giving him instructions was like trying to give instructions to a four year old with ADD. He was the laughing stock of the shows and I felt bad for him the first few days until I saw that he was only out for himself and not the show. Here is Chono, who has drawn more money then all of us combined, telling us to give it our best even though the house would be really small. But this guy just worried about himself and made a total ass of himself in the ring. Let’s hope these shows are not out on DVD.

Unfortunately one of the guys that were a bust was one of my 3KWrestlng guys. I will not mention his name but it’s just a shame what happened. It goes to show how far attitude can take you and how once you believe you are better then everyone it can blow up in your face. I helped this guy for years and at the end of the tour not only did he make me look bad but the ZERO1 office made me cancel him off the January tour where he was scheduled to wrestle in a major program. It’s been almost three weeks and I am still pissed off and heartbroken. Just a awful effort from a guy that I thought was better then that. Over the last seven years I have tried to help a bunch of guys and most of them let me down but I never thought this guy would do it. It’s a cruel business this pro-wrestling industry where friendships are ruined due to politics or money but this friendship is now ruined because of a lack of respect. Later I will explain to everyone that reads this how to get booked in Japan and/or Puerto Rico through me.

The last guy was a douche named Geronimo. I actually liked this kid and thought that he was getting the short end of the stick until he thought he would be cool, put on his internet muscles and bury me on his My Space page for something that I didn’t do.

This kid was one of the stinking points in practice and the first Royal Rumble. Once Chono-san saw him in practice he changed the third show match from Geronimo being in the semi-main event to the first match. He also decided to take him out of the second Royal Rumble and put him in a singles match with Osamu Namiguchi. Namiguchi is now a six-year vet but I think this kid thought he should have won which was not going to happen. He ends up having an OK seven minute match with Nami but it was due to Nami being able to make him look good. It was after that match and another awful performance by Himalayan Tiger that Chono took them both off the third show. Only the work of Kikutaro got Tiger back on the third show and I even asked both Kiku and Chono if we should put the Indian kid back on and I was told no. So what does this jackoff do? He writes a My Space blog burying me for taking him off the show! Is that what they taught him at the LADojo? I think not. Maybe next time you think about why you get taken off a show or passed up for a Japan tour maybe you should look in the mirror or watch a DVD of yourself and blame the person that really took you off the show…YOU. I hope you are happy now asshole that you got to speak your mind about something you had no idea about. And to think that Navaho Warrior and GQ Gallo didn’t get that spot when they would have been a million times better then you.

If wrestlers want to know why they are not in WWE, TNA, or a main spot in Japan they should take a look at the guys that are fixtures there. The TNA guys on the Expo shows (Shelley, Sabin, Daniels, & Young) ran circles around the gaijin talent except for Ricky Reyes. So next time you want to know why TNA is not beating down your door ask yourself if you look as good as these guys or can hang in the ring with them. Its almost 2009 and you need the cosmetic part as much as you need the in-ring work. I get 15-20 emails a day (yes, a day) of guys asking me to help them get booked in Japan and/or Puerto Rico and how many of them can take a look at themselves as say that they can handle it? Even while I am trying to get back into shape do I feel confident enough to email Jeff Jarrett or Vince Russo for a spot in TNA? Nope. Do these people think that Japan is going to throw tons of money to a guy that doesn’t have gear or work out or has an “I’m the best attitude”? Shit no. And it’s a shame that I have to say this because I was always the guy that would take VHS tapes and DVDs over to Japan no matter how bad the talent was. I figured it wasn’t my job to crush the dreams of guys but even if you do that you are a dick if you can’t get them in. For every Jake Manning, Heartbreak Express, Josh Daniels, or Kirby Mack that deserves a spot in Japan and/or Puerto Rico there is 100 other guys emailing about how good they are and how they should be there. It’s starting to make me freaking nuts. So from now on before emailing me or Charlie LeGrande or even ZERO1 think to yourself: Am I what the company could be looking for? And if not then you need to figure out what you need to do to get to the next level. Look like a star, get in the gym, get in the car and travel to as many shows as possible, and learn the styles. If you are unprepared in Puerto Rico and Japan (and TNA for that matter) you are going to get eaten alive and that is no one else’s fault but yours. Why didn’t I get a wrestling job with the WWE last year? Because I couldn’t adjust my style to theirs quick enough. Who’s fault is that? Vince McMahon? Johnny Ace? Nope, mine. I am lucky that the WWE was not my goal but if it was then I would be heartbroken that I let myself down.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This match was for the IZW and NWA Az Heavyweight Titles From IZW Impulse Episode 18


This match was for the IZW and NWA Az Heavyweight Titles From IZW Impulse Episode 18